Generating build scripts In C

Generating build scripts

The following commands have to executed in order to generate the build scripts for the project.

1. libtoolize
2. aclocal
3. autoheader
4. autoconf
5. touch README AUTHORS NEWS ChangeLog (Required for GNU software adherence)
6. automake -a

The execution of the above four commands generates the configure in the top directory and Makefile scripts in the top directory as well as each of the sub directories.

Build options

You need to run the configure script before building the project using make. After successfully running the configure script the following options as avaliable for make

• make Builds the project and creates the executables and libraries.

• make clean Cleans the project i.e removes all the executables.

• make install Builds and installs the project i.e the executable is copied in the /prefix/bin,headers in /prefix/include and libraries in /prefix/lib where prefix is usually /usr/local.

• make uninstall Uninstalls the project i.e removes the files added to /prefix/bin, /prefix/include and /prefix/lib directories.

• make dist Creates a distribution of the project (<package-name>- <version>.tar.gz file) of the project.

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